All of our art pieces have stories.
Stories about all things important; life itself and the little silly moments.
Sometimes the story behind is from everyday life of our artist.
Read below about some of our pieces, and the wishes behind them.
“To the new clacier!”- was made for a home warming gift. To support getting in a new phase in life, and as a welcome to a new city. As a “We love you”- gift for a memeber of a family.
“Back pack ride” was commissioned fy a father-to-be for the mother-to-be as they were waiting for their first fluffy one to hatch. The family loved the outdoors and especially the woods, so of course we had to let the little one climb on to a tree!
“We will never forget this journey!” was commissioned by a mom of two little ones, and it went for a thank you-gift for their care-giver as the little ones were starting school soon. As a memory of their trips with her special bike! And she also had 2 cute little pups we had to add them too!
“Better batter with a friend” was created as a bithday gift, and from appreciating the time together doing what these two love; baking! Such a perfect gift for anyone special to you.
“Shake the tail feather!” From the love of music, vinyt records and just being together this groovy piece was born. Something yellow was requested to show their intrest to home decor too and to give it something special! So how about a yellow fish-light dangling around?